Plot: The animation of the house would use smooth house build effect. Camera/Transition:from right to left quickly and focus on the house.Use transition matte to change to scene2 Script: Do you know which restaurants in America are most popular? Audio: Use light background music
Scene Four (00:00:22)
Plot: 4 images would be used effect/preset to appear in the scene. Camera/Transition: stay at the same place. Use waved shape transition matte Script: Burger or pizza places.
Scene Five (00:00:29)
Plot: The text would use effect to appear in the scene. Camera/Transition: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: It’s not even close.
Scene Six (00:00:35)
Plot: 5 images would be appeared one by one. The image would first be zoomed in and then zoom out. Camera/Transition: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: There are more Chinese food restaurants in the US that the number of McDonalds, burger kings, Wendy’s, Domino’s and Pizza hut combined...
Plot: 6 images would be appeared at the same. They would continually move. Camera/Transition: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: ...Does nothing more all Americans than Chinese food, which is also one of our oldest cuisines.
Plot: The image would be appeared from a circle to a burger. The shadow of the image would be shinning. Camera/Transition:stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: Hamburgers have been introduced about 1904. It is decades after Chinese food became popular.
Scene Seven (00:00:40)
Scene Eight (00:00:45)
Scene Nine (00:00:51)
Plot: Two girls are eating at the restaurant. Camera/Transition:stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: Americans love Chinese food so much.
Scene Eleven (00:00:58)
Plot: Spaceship would fly from left to right. The NASA logo would pop up. Camera/Transition:stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: They’ve actually brought it into space. NASA...
Scene Twelve (00:01:05)
Plot: The menu would be used page-turn effect to appear in the scene. The "sweet and sour pork" text would pop up. Camera/Transition: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: ....for example, serves thermal-stabilized sweet and sour pork on its shuttle menu for its astronauts.
Scene Thirteen (00:01:11)
Plot: 4 images would be used effect to appear in the scene. Camera/Transition:stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: A lot of the foods that Americans think of as Chinese food are barely recognizable to Chinese, for example: beef with broccoli, fortune cookies, chop suey, General Tso’s chicken.
Plot: The animation of the bakery would use smooth house build effect. The text would use effect to appear in the scene. Camera/Transition:stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: Don’t expect fortune cookies to arrive after a meal in China. It is actually from a small family-run bakery in Japan.
Japanese Bakery
Plot: The text would appear based on the speed of the scrip. Transition/Camera: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: Almost three billion fortune cookies produced every year are consumed in the US.
Almost three billion fortune cookies produced every year are consumed in the US.
Scene Fourteen (00:01:16)
Scene Fifthteen (00:01:23)
Scene Sixteen (00:01:28)
Plot: The images would appear at the same. And would continually move. Transition/Camera: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script:Beef with broccoli. Broccoli is not a Chinese vegetable. In fact, it is originally an Italian vegetable.
Scene Seventeen (00:01:34)
Plot: The text would use effect to appear in the scene. Transition/Camera: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: And Chinese have their own version of broccoli, which is called Chinese broccoli. Chinese are importing broccoli as a sort of exotic delicacy.
Scene Eighteen (00:01:37)
Plot: Both the image and text would use effect to appear in the scene. Transition/Camera: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: Chop Suey, which was introduced around the turn of the 20th century.
Scene Nineteen (00:01:44)
Plot: The head and the arm of the chef would move up and down. Transition/Camera: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: Chop Suey is actually not known in China. The average native of any city in China knows nothing of chop Suey.
Plot: The text would use effect to appear in the scene. Transition/Camera: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: If you translate into Chinese, it means zha sui...
[zá suì] 杂碎
Plot: The text would use effect to appear in the scene. Transition/Camera: stay at the same place. Use colorful transition matte Script: ....which if you translate back means “odds and ends”. So if you are going to China and asking for chop Suey, it kind like you are ordering “leftovers”.
Scene Twenty (00:01:50)
Plot: The image would appear very small to big. The mouse icon would move to click the button. Transition/Camera: Camera would first zoom out and then zoom in. Script: If you want to know more about food history, please visit our website “The gourmet Chinese kitchen”.