Fruit is so healthy. I am having this orange for lunch.
Ayla, Don't forget we have track practice after school! I want to do my best for our meet this weekend.
I am so going to eat this whole pizza!
Later on in Class....
Becca, wake up before Ms. Simpson sees you!
Ms. Simpson, I don't feel well. My stomach is really upset.
3 Middle School Track Athletes
After School at Track Practice
Ugh! That pizza is not sitting well with my stomach.
I'm so tired. I should have eaten more for lunch.
3 Friends chatting at lunch. Olivia has a well balanced meal with complex carbohydrates, green vegetables and protein. Ayla has a pizza and soda and Becca only has an orange.
In the Locker Room After Practice
Olivia, You did great today! I shouldn't have eaten all that pizza and soda at lunch. Tomorrow I will try to eat better so I can perform at practice.
I'm so hungry tired. I should have eaten more than just an orange for lunch.
During class later in the day, Becca doesn't have enough energy and cannot pay attention in class. Ayla isn't feeling well because she over-ate and drank too much soda.
In the Lunchroom
I am going to do much better at practice and maybe even stay awake in Ms. Simpson's class today.
Today I am going to eat in moderation and take my mom's advice of actually eating some veggies.
At practice, Becca is still tired from under-eating and Ayla is feeling sluggish. Olivia, however, feels great and performs her best race at practice!
Olivia, that was your best time yet!
The girls discuss their food choices and how it made them feel.
Yeah, you need to properly fuel your body. Coach always says You don't put diesel fuel in a sports car.
The following day, the girls make different food choices since they did not like the positive punishment they experienced the previous day.