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ancient india

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ancient india
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  • Hi my name is Dharmini, meaning religous. I am part of the Brahman varna group.
  • I am hosting the biggest wedding in the land tomorrow. All the upper classmen such as Kshatriyas, Brahmans, Buddists, Hindu gurus and some vaisyas that we are good friends with are going to be invited!
  • My house is the one behind me. We use flat roofs to grow crops. Brahmans have very wealthy looking houses. Kshatriyas have similar and the vaisyas and sudras have smaller houses with less rooms and priviledges.
  • This is and example of a sudra's house. Sudras are unpriveldged and poor. They are usually servants. Our servant, Ati is part of the Sudra varna.
  • Thisis an example of an untouchable. They do the grossest work of all. Such as skinning animals, taking out the trash and much more.
  • Your welcome! I truly enjoyed making them. Us vaisyas dont get a lot of oppurtunities to impress higher class like yourself. 
  • Thank you so much for making these rings! You do not know how muh I appreciate craftsmen!
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