Good day class, today is the day of your field trip and i hope you all will enjoy this trip. Let's go!!
(3) Well Juan, you're right but for today we are only going to meiosis I kingdom. Does anyone know about the stages that meiosis has?
(2) Maam, the meiosis island has two kinds which is meiosis I and meiosis II. Which one we're going to?
(1) As you all know we are going to the meiosis kingdom. Does anyone know what is meiosis island is?
(4) Maam! Those are prophase, metaphase. anaphase, and telophase
(5) Goodjob Jane!
(1) We are here in the meiosis I kingdom and this is the stage called prophase. So before we start, what is meiosis I guys??
(5) Great Job!
(3) That's right! Another quesstion before we enjoy the show, what is happening during prophase I?
(4) During prophase I, differences from mitosis begin to appear. As in mitosis, the chromosomes begin to condense, but in meiosis I, they also pair up. Each chromosome carefully aligns with its homologue partner so that the two match up at corresponding positions along their full length. That's it ma'am
(2) Ma'am, meiosis I separates the homologous chromosomes and reduces the diploid cell to haploid