This story starts in a little town in Germany called Hamburg, where young Axel lives with his uncle Lidenbrock.
Why did you lock the door and keep the key?
In Sneffles Yoculis cratererem kem delibat umbra Scartaris Julii intra calends descende, audas viator, et terrestre centrum attinges. Kod feci. Arne Saknussemm.
Axel found out what the paper said and his uncle felt embarrassed and angry
arghhhhhhhh How didn't I see that?
The paper technically means: Go to Sneffels before July and you will find the opening to the center of the earth.
1 breath 2 breaths 3 ...
The next day
Axel! pack your bag we´re going to Iceland!
To reach the center of the earth.
They sailed to Iceland for ten days.
They arrive in Iceland and looked for hospitality
They found a family that welcomed them and the next day they met an Icelandic guide named Hans.
They walked for weeks until they reached the summit of Sneffles.
They decided to bring Hans with them to the center of the earth, because he knew a lot and had many life skills.
Axel get your axe and start to dig! Quickly!
They dug until uncle Lidenbrock said:
The next day they got to work and started to dig.
Look! The opening to the center of the earth!
Axel and Hans descended to see if it was safe, while uncle Lidenbrock held a rope. When Hans said it was safe, the trio decided to descend.
This place really seems scary. Remind why am I doing this again?
this will never end
The descent took a long time and then walking took even longer until...
I don't feel so good.
The trio ran out of water but not food. Looking for water Hans finds a geyser through the walls.
I need to drink something NOW!
Let's take a rest
But then Axel falls into a hole and Hans and uncle Lidenbrock didn't notice
Axel fell and crashed and got knocked unconscious.
When he woke up, he heard voices in the walls (Hans' and Professor Lidenbrock's voices), so he screamed: ``Uncle Lidenbrock!´´. His uncle heard him and by using math calculated the distance between them.
Uncle Lidenbrock
When Axel found Uncle Lidenbrock they walked downwards until they reach an underground sea with a forest.
Hans made a raft out of a tree trunk, and they set sail in the underground sea.
When they were midway through their journey two prehistoric monsters, the Plesiosaurs and the Ichthyosaurus, battled with great fury.
Hey look! !A cave marked: Arne Sakkessnem
The battle misleads them and they landed on another island the underground sea. Axel found a cave marked: "Arne Sakknussemm".
They found their way in and made it to the center of the earth, but then got shot out of a volcano.
And they survived!
As they approached the cave they find a boulder and they blew it up.
They told their story and became famous
19 year old boy, Icelander, and profesor reach center of the earth! Their story down below.