Students! Today we're going to be learning about Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
I have no interest in learning about that!
I've always been curious to know how we came to be!
What a nerd...
I wish I could make some friends who love science just like me.
Hehehe... Alex is trying to learn!
Jerry, a student of mine is very interested in science and has a lot of potential. How should I help Alex get the most out of my class without leaving his peers behind?
I actually have a few students Alex would relate to! We can connect them through this multiplayer science-based learning game called Stem.
That's a great idea! Let's try it out tomorrow.
Alex, I know you love science, so I want to connect you with students in another science class through this science and learning multiplayer game called Stem. Would you like that?
Wow! I'm excited I'll get to talk to fellow science enthusiasts. How does the game work?
When you register, you select your education level and your topics of interest within the STEM fields. You can play with "friends" or "randoms" in this learning game. You'll have to collaborate with other players in any exercise that you complete.
Sounds amazing, but I'd love to play this game with people in our class too! Maybe you can offer extra credit...
Okay! I'll play it no matter what.
Let me think about that Alex.
So Alex loves the game, and he's been playing it all week. How can I implement Stem into my curriculum?
Indeed. Instead of offering extra credit I'll make participation mandatory. Stem is a hands-on experience that offers lessons on everything I'm teaching, and I think all the students will have more fun learning through gameplay than hearing me lecture.
Some students are not as intrinsically motivated as Alex. I'd say negative punishment is more sustainable than positive reinforcement...
Perfect! I'm going to do the same thing with my students. They'll all be intrinsically motivated to play Stem and simultaneously learn in no time!
Take out your laptops. Instead of lecturing you on human anatomy today I'll be supervising you while you learn about it together through an online game called Stem. Click on the link I just emailed you, make an account and select the human anatomy challenge.
Now I don't feel nervous about sounding stupid or looking like a nerd.
Do we at least get a bonus for playing?
It's either Stem or our usual class. The bonus is that you get full participation points for playing and doing your best. Just try working on the first anatomy challenge together, and then we'll see if you're ready to play online with other students.
I'm 100% positive the tibia and fibula are in your shin area.
Both of those were right!
Alex, drag that long bone on the right over here. It has to be the spine!
It's so much easier to focus now!
Who knew? This stuff is actually interesting to me.
Hey Guys. Lets do the homework for class. It's level 2 of anatomy right?
Yeah. This one is about muscles, and the names are so complicated.
I know some of these from weightlifting. Ooh! The triceps, the deltoids, the biceps.
That actually says biceps femoris, which is in the thigh region. I didn't know about the deltoids though, so I'm glad we're collaborating!
Maybe one day my peers will want to play for fun online with my other Stem friends.