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Midsummer night dream

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Midsummer night dream
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  • Im Egeus
  • Egeus wants his daughter Hermia to marry Demitrius. Helena despises Demitrius but loves Lysander so they go to the Duke of Athens Theseus. Theseus tells them they have 3 days to sort it out. Lysander decides to runaway to his rich Aunts but they tell Hermia's best-friend Helena their plan. Helena (who loves Demitrius) tells him the plan.
  • Im Hermia
  • Im Lysander
  • Im Theseus
  • Meanwhile the king of the fairies Oberon is having an argument with his wife Titania. Oberon gets angry and tells his servant Puck to find a flower that when rubbed on someones eyes the first thing they see they fall in love with.
  • Puck retrieves the flower and they wait for the queen to go to sleep. Eventually Titania falls asleep with her fairies dancing around her. Puck Rubs her eyes with the flower and run off to a different part of the wood.
  • Oberon overhears Helena asking Demitrius why she doesn't love him so he tells puck to rub the flowers on demitrius eyes. Puck being careless rubs the flower on Lysanders eyes instead. Helena wakes up Lysander and falls madly in love with her. Puck hearing what had happened pourd some love potion into Demitrius eyes. Hermia finds Helena and is cross at her while the men prepare to fight
  • Titania wakes up and sees the work of puck. A donkey sat were a weaver named bottoms had should of been. Titania suddenly fell in love with him.
  • Oberon tells Puck to fix the mess he had made but keep Demitrius under the spell. Everyone goes to Theseus wedding . and everyone lived happily ever after
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