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Perseus & Medusa

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Perseus & Medusa
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  • Medusa was a fearsome creature. She had snakes for hair, and piercing eyes. Those eyes turned anyone who looked at her to stone, and thus her cave was filled with the stony remains of her victims.
  • Perseus and his mother Danae were on the island Seriphos, which was ruled by the evil king Polydectes...
  • Polydectes wanted to marry Danae, but Perseus would not allow it. Out of spite, Polydectes sent Perseus on a mission to behead Medusa, a mission Polydectes was sure that Perseus would fail. Danae was devastated.
  • The goddess Athena gifted Perseus with a helmet to make him invisible, a shield to reflect Medusa's stare, a scythe to behead her, winged shoes to make him fly, and a pouch in which to put Medusa's head.
  • Polydectes wanted to marry Danae, but Perseus would not allow it. Out of spite, Polydectes sent Perseus on a mission to behead Medusa, a mission Polydectes was sure that Perseus was fail. Danae was devastated.
  • Medusa tried to attack Perseus, but his gifts made him impossible to defeat! He counterattacked... and WON!
  • Perseus used Medusa's head on many more enemies, but eventually gave it to Athena to wear as part of her armor.
  • Perseus brought Medusa's head to Polydectes as he had asked. When Polydectes looked at her face, he turned to stone!
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