Developing Criteria for Assessing a Learning Experience
Week 2 - A model for LXD
Learner PersonaOh Gosh! I could make it way better.I ignored the number of resources we have!
Here I am... I finally decided to dive deep into learning design...
Reading, reading, and reading!
Seven weeks of an intensive learning experience. Let's go!
Are you feeling the same?
Eager to know more about this course. I don’t understand the purpose yet, but this is why I’m here. I’m curious to know about my classmates’ profiles and backgrounds.I wish to know more about myself and what brings me to the change in my career to become a learning designer.Let's start running...
Week 3 - Design with Why in mind
I had three weeks of curriculum built when I started my program which helps me to personalize the education for the student.Khurram Virani
Meeting with some of the community... Feels nice to see I'm not alone in this unknown forest... Let's start our first mission. Assessing a Learning Experience
Deconstructing a Learning Experience
We discussed lots of great ideas. Hard work and two meetings. Final product submitted and we got 9/10. Awesome work Ladies!
Engaging Community!
What I have learned through this activity is my own awareness of my learners, their characteristics, behaviours and needs. It's a key component to know to whom we are designing a course. It's all about the learner for designing better learner interactions and enhancing the sensory experience in my course.
Week 4 - Reimagining the Interaction and Sonsory Plane I
I didn’t expect to have so much to read! I feel overwhelmed. I worked +15h to complete my second assignment.Am I the only one feeling this? Let's check with my community.
Fortunately, we had our #project group discussion. We were able to share our feelings and excitement. All on the same boat, or hill
The importance of empathy and engagement in building a successful learning experience. Who can teach us to appreciate simple things more than kids? The marshmallow tower was appealing in many ways. We usually pretend to know many things, but if we take the time to observe and ask questions, we'll rapidly change our mindsets.
Working on deconstructing a learning experience using Plaut's Model - A moonwalk in a learning environment. I learned lots of things. I did my best and got 11.25. I appreciated Josh's comments and guidance.
I feel an engagement from my community. We read each other answers and learn from different experiences. We interact and laugh; it’s engaging and motivating. Each week is a climbing challenge, but in the end, I’m keen to move to the next step. I’m building a different network on my LinkedIn profile. Amazing!
The elephant, the rider and the path. How every learning experience implies different factors. Considering each will help build sustainable growth and development.It is easy to forget that when we build a course, we very often do so to meet the learner's needs. When circumstances overlap, priorities mix, and there is little or no visibility. We face a real obstacle that must be recognized, addressed, and resolved. A trio that does not necessarily mix well must coexist no matter what.
Feeling good ;-)
Week 5 - Reimagining the Interaction and Sonsory Plane I
I am a mediator and a solution resolver.This is who I am.I finally found the answer.
Design Document
My first design experience putting ahead all my learnings so far. It was great to spend time asking the learner what really matters.
Week 6 - Building Capability
Reflections ...
Taste the food (I mean the tools)
This week was impressive. It's indeed because I love storytelling as a way to deliver a message.I'm building more knowledge on LXD, and I feel I'm at the right place. Josh is pushing us each week to reflect. It's a productive way to observe and change perspectives in delivering learning. I switched from listening to podcasts before bed to read the material. Keep running... ouf!
Community Resources
IsabelleLearing Is Experience Design (YouTube)VR
AndreaLogo MakerNoun ProjectQuizizz
We by Yevgeny Zamyatin Station Eleven by Emily St. John MandelGamestorming by Dave Gray allMap it by Cathy Moore The anatomy of story by John TrubyThe elements of style by William strunck E.B WhiteThe science of storytelling by Will Storr
I created my first design experience putting ahead all my learnings so far. It was great to spend time asking the learner what really matters.
Josh's Resources
Grant Wiggins Connie Malamed Khurram ViraniLori Niles HofmannTowards maturity Jez AndersonKevin M. YatesHeather Gilmartin Adams John Thompson David HepworthStella Collins Jack Lockhart Mirjam NeelenConrad GottfredsonBob MosherMichael TuckerlaAshley Sinclair Bianca Baumann Rachel KoblicJohn HinchliffeJen Collins
VyondGenial.lyOASWDoodlyHubspot’s LP builderElucidatBehanceNoun projectRead o meterShutterstock Videvo
I don know yet about Josh's reflections, but I feel I’ve done something that will add value to my work environment.So many useful tools we can use to create better content + it’s for free.Let's have a look!
Josh's Resources
No material to read this week!Yay!
Week 7 - Wrap Up
Looks like many people are crossing this bridge...Where are they going?
Final Course Reflection
I understand where they were going... So much to taste and try!It’s the moment to try and select which tool to take with us on our design journey.How simple it is to create engaging content. Many tools are available for free. Download and work with your favourite tools and add content from different sources. Awesome.
TashaQRcode-monkeyNiram - Reading timeCamtasia
The Community shared great resources during the 7 weeks of the program. Can we ask for more? Actually, YES!
JoséMore than One Story Mentimeter -GoAnimate - HP5 - Audacity
Icons from
Digital Learning Done rightGCFLearnFree.orgVox
Huberman LabPushkin
Instructional scienceJournal of the learning sciences
Icons from
LifesaverMediumHemingwayScreencastBehanceGoodreads book review
Getting smartUXmattersUX MagazineShift learningLearning space toolkit Meriam Webster
. An LD model forfuture-proofing digital learning production, October 6, 2022 . 10 gamification mistakes, how to fix them and minimize results,October 18, 2022. Start by starting: design accessible experiences today, October 19, 2022
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