Be careful! Don't let it go, it might end up flying somewhere
Whoa! today's wind is so strong!
No your not! haha, I'm gonna catch up, Just you wait
I'm faster than you, see you at the shop!
I wish I have a bird too!
Go my bird, make him loose
Let's see who's bird flies higher
The forces acting on Kath and Ben's kite in flight include the weight, the lift, and drag, and the tension in the control line moves vertically because the lift now exceeds the weight and the vertical component of the tension in the control line. As the kite climbs, the tension force increases because of increased lift and drag.
Falco and Felicity's bicycle is the mass. Their leg muscles pushing on the pedals of their bicycle are the force. When you push on the pedals, your bicycle accelerates. They are increasing the speed of the bicycle by applying force to the pedals.
When Marie and John's bird flies, its wings push in a downward and a backward direction. This pushes air downward and backward. The air pushes back on the bird in the opposite directions—upward and forward.