One day, therefore, when Barnabas was alone in the chapel, the Prior entered in company with two of the oldest brothers, in order to watch, through the bars of the door, what was going on within
In honor of the Holy Virgin he was performing the tricks which had in former day brought hin the greatest fame. Not understanding that he was thus putting his best talents at the service og the Holy Virgin, the aged brothers cried out against such sacrilege.
They saw Barnabas before the image of the Holy Virgin, his head on the floor and his feet in the air, juggling with six copper balls and twelve knives.
The Prior knew that Barnabas had a simple soul, but he believed that the man had lost his wits. All three set about to remove Barnabas from the chapel
The Vigin slowly descend from the altar and, with a fold of her blue mantle.
The Virgin wiped the sweat that streamed over the juggler's forhead
Blessed are the pure in heart, for the shall see God
The Prior bowing his head down to the marble floor, repeated these words: