Wow what a cool EV I should get one they will save the plaanet
yes lets talk about it
I dont know if its worth it., car pollution is such a little amount of pollution and it takes alot of natural resourses to build an EV.
So what are the things to consider to buying a EV
Yes but a ford f150 compared to its electric version is so much cheaper to travel. the lighting being the electric version costs 14$ to charge (6 cents per mile) when an f150 takes 100$ (20cents per mile)
I suppose your right but do you even know where your electricity is coming from.
Well there's a lot to consider. Cars only produce 16.8% of pollution and need natural resources such as lithium and cobalt to be built forcing the miners to be overworked. An EV also costs more money then a regualr gas car
what do you mean where the electricity is coming from
wow that's a lot to think about i wonder if i will buy an EV o stay with the old Honda civic
Its all about where you live and where your electricty comes from.
Well gas powered cars on average use 1liter per 9 km so in a place like calorado which uses alot of coal for eletrcity you would get 20km per liter with an electric vehicle but a palce like alaska that as very clean energy its about 48km per liter because the electricity is so much cleaner