Anarchy is a state of government where no one governs. It is basically a free-for-all. There are no rules, just norms. Some people do not follow them and it gets a little crazy though. Anarchy was first formed in 1539. Ukraine is an anarchy, due to anarchist revolutions.
Listen we are in charge
Theocracy is a form of government which priests rule in a god's name. They would often give advice, which could be good or bad, to people and manage day-to-day disputes. No one knows exactly when it formed but they are predicting it to be around the time of Moses. One example of a Theocracy is Iran, they have a religious leader leading them.
Absolute monarchy is a form of monarchy which a monarch holds power over all things. Most of the time the reign is passed down form generation to generation. The king or queen would not have to follow customs of written laws, but the people would have to abide by theirs. An example of a modern day absolute monarchy is Saudi Arabia.
An oligarchy is a form of government where a few people rule a large population. They have control over everything. They may be selected due to social status such as; education, wealth, celebrity, military status, ect. Usually the people ruling are not fair and unjust to the citizens. A modern day example of an oligarchy would be the country of Russia. They have a few people leading their government currently.
A dictatorship is a form of government where a single person of a few people rule. They have complete control over everything. They do not have tolerance for political pluralism and usually do not like a group of people based off of their skin color, religion, or way of life. There are very little dictatorships to this day but the most popular one, that happened not to long ago was Adolf Hitler and his Nazi army. He wanted to get rid of Jewish people because he fell for a myth that they lost WWI because they Jews cut of their trade supply.