So, you're an impostor, Abigail! You pretend you're having fits and accuse innocent people of witchcraft! I'm going to tell your father the truth about you
Careful, Michael. I could easily acuse of witchcraft! Everybody knowababout your friendship with Sarah...
You must stop this, all of you! Luckily. Sarah Smith and her family escaped last night from this crazy town, from people like you, Abigail
Oh, you're wrong, MIchael. Sarah was arrested for witchcraft and she's in jail right know. Didin't you know?
I decided to visit Abigail later that day. I hid behind a tree. A second later, everything became clear to me. Abigail's body started moving terribly and then she fell. The delighted girls laughed and applauded enthusiastically
Father, you must stop this right now! You can`'t execute these people! IT'S A LIE!
Son, don't be impertinent STOP TALKING NONSENSE!
At this point, I wasn't able to control myself any more. I burst through the gate and confronted Abigail.
Then, I looked at the other girls.
Listen carefully. I've got a plan...
You're going to help me put this right and help Sarah.
How am I going to do that?
I pushed through the crowd until I could clearly see the three figures. I recognized one of them, old Fanny, the beggar-woman. Another was a little boy. I shook my head in desbelief. Then, I saw my father walk towards tthe hangman. I ran to him
Frustrated, I walked around the back of the prison and saw the windows of the cells. I found a box and use it to climb it. I looked in the third window and I saw Sarah ,sitting on the floor, her head low.
I returned to Abigail's house, pleased to see that her friends had gone and she was alone in the house