The teacher explains that for the reading period that the students will work in a group to complete a Fab 4 Organizer.
Fab 4 Organizer
I wonder what we have to do for reading today?
The teacher explains that each person has a role. One person is the predictor, one person asks questions, one person is the clarifier, and one person is the summarizer.
Fab 4 Organizer
Yay! We get to work in groups!
What do you think will happen next based on the last chapter?
What are some phrases or words that you may need better understanding on?
Fab 4 Organizer
Retell the most important parts of the text in your own words.
Ask questions about the text while you read.
The group works together on their Fab 4 Organizer based on the book that they are reading. They use the white board as a guide for sentence frames and generate sentences.
Clarify"I didn't get..""I think the word means.."
Prediction"I think..""I bet.."
Fab 4 Organizer
Summary"This chapter was about.."
Questions"I wonder..""Why?""How?"
ClarifyI had trouble with the wordnodding.
The teacher asks the group to share their Fab 4 Organizer. She records what they wrote down.
PredictionI think that Fudge will get in trouble.
Fab 4 Organizer
QuestionsWhat wouldhappen if Peterdidn't have turtle?
SummaryThis chapter was about Fudge causing trouble.
I used the the strategy of Reciprocal Teaching that helps students critically think about the passage, text, or chapter that they are reading. I am also able to promote cooperative learning between the students. "Reciprocal teaching is a form of social-constructivist learning and cognitive apprenticeship in which students gradually learn key comprehension strategies by imitating and working along with the teacher" (Gunning, 2013, p. 350).Reference:Gunning, T. G. (2013). Creating Literacy Instruction for All Students (8th ed.). Pearson.