Hi! I am a biomedical engineer and I'm currently working in a lab as many bio engineers do
My daily routine of tasks consist of a lot of researching with fellow scientists on biology and medicine
Designing many varying medical equipment and tools
In biomedical engineering, enzymes can be used and engineered to create an enzymatic detergent to help clean medical devices since enzymes break down wastes like how detergents and soap do
Unit 1 Biochemistry part a
In biochemistry, an important piece of information and knowledge is enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that help in speeding up chemical reactions
Unit 1 Biochemistry part b
In biochemistry, another important piece of information are macromolecules and more specifically carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and quite often are composed of monomers called monosaccharides that join together to form longer chains called polysaccharides through a dehydration synthesis reaction
A use of macromolecules and, more specifically, carbohydrates in biomedical engineering is to create carbohydrate-based nanoparticles and nanogels for drug delivery, imaging, and tissue engineering
In metabolism, an important piece of knowledge is cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is the overall process in which cells convert sugars into energy for the cell to use
Unit 2 Metabolic processes part a
And evaluating the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of medical equipment
Unit 2 Metabolic processes part b
In metabolism, another important piece of information and knowledge are the technologies implemented via metabolism. One such technology is bioremediation which is the use of living organisms to digest toxic compound and break them down into harmless byproducts
Unit 3 Molecular genetics part a
In molecular genetics, an important piece of information is DNA. DNA which stands for deoxyribonucleic acid is a thread-like molecule that is composed of two strands of nucleotide bases strung together that wrap around each other. DNA codes for everything and is composed of subcomponents called genes
In biomedical engineering, the knowledge of cellular respiration can be used to better the process of cell culture. Cell culture is the growing and cultivation of cells in general, cellular respiration undergoes in these cells at all times but for optimal growth, optimal conditions for their growth must be met
In biomedical engineering, bioremediation of hospital wastes is an application of bioremediation. The use of these tiny little things called hydrolytic bacteria reduce water pollution from organic wastes and play a big role in degrading wastes by limiting nutrients for pathogenic growth
Bio-med engineers that work with genetics find ways to modify DNA to create a desired trait or protein. This is done through a process called recombinant DNA in which foreign genetic material is inserted into the host organism which in our case is insulin-producing genes