Let’s al ltake a moment to review our teaching instruction!Maybe it is time we started considering changing things…..
Webinar on differentiated instruction
What can we differentiate? First, the content of our lesson! By content we mean the skills and knowledge that students need to learn according to the curriculum. Students should be able to choose their focus on content based on their interests. We should use various content forms like videos, texts, audio, computer programmes, interactive and acting out activities.
Webinar on differentiated instruction
We need to differentiate the process of learning for our students. Processing will help students assess what they understand and what they find difficult to make sense of. If we offer our students the chance to reflect on what they have learned by giving them two or more processing activities in each of our lessons we will help them make sense of the content.
Webinar on differentiated instruction
Taking into account their interests and level of readiness we can differentiate in process by means of jigsaw activities,interactive journals, partner talk etc.
Webinar on differentiated instruction
When we differentiate product, we offer our students a variety of ways to demonstrate their knowledge, though we have to make clear that students should alternate in types of assignments. We usually try to make assignments challenging but not too difficult. We should not forget to offer a variety of choices in products and also allow the students to complete the product alone or in groups.
Webinar on differentiated instruction
Our overall aim is to engage the students and make them more motivated to participate in the learning process. In this perspective we need to always assess and question our practices as teachers. To wrap it all up, we should always be ready to adjust and change our methods to meet the needs of the students in our class!