Welcome, my name is Nicolas. Today I will explain you the importance of sleeping for the health of children.
Children must have a proper amount of sleep at night to improve concentration and academic results.
Children who do not get enough sleep have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, mental troubles and accidents.
The amount of sleep recommended depends on the age:6-12 years: 9 to 12 hours daily.13-18 years: 8 to 10 hours daily.
There is evidence that more than half of the students don´t sleep the recommended amount of hours,.The schools, parents and doctors must think about this problem.
Credits: *https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/sleep.htm#:~:text=Students%20should%20get%20the%20proper,poor%20mental%20health%2C%20and%20injuries.*https://www.flourishaustralia.org.au/panorama/importance-sleep* Music: Enya - Caribbean Blue
- The parents should put schedules for the children, to turn off electronic devices and lights.- Schools can teach habits that support good sleep.