Hi, Do you know Plastic is causing lot of pollution across the globe...
Yes... I have heard that Plastic is ruining our Army base too...
Is it....This is a news to me. I knew that many water animals are dying because of plastic getting accumulated in oceans....
Do you know Plastic takes 400 years or even more to decompose...its impacting the natural environment
Do you know there is lot of plastic used in our Base....I see a huge dump at the backyard....
There are many alternatives that can be used.....
Using lighter yet stronger metals like Aluminum alloys and Duralumin which are strong, light and durable. They can cut down the usage of plastics to a large scale.
However, plastic cannot be completely eliminated, it can only be reduced. For example - Using recycled plastic to make military vehicle radio brackets is a lot more eco-friendly and also reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas productions.
Some plastics like polypropylene and polystyrene are very weak to fabricate and recycle. However, those plastics forge a stronger composite material when reinforced with other materials. So, the newly invented eco-friendly material is beneficial for making other vehicle parts and defense tools.