This is a storyboard for the Summative Assessment for ELA
Storyboard Text
You get those covered up before breakfast time. Any more sand comes in here through one of them knotholes, you have to eat it off the floor with ketchup
You see all them knotholes in the floor and in the walls?
And I can tell the difference so be careful
Can we get the cracks covered too, Woody? Outside the sky was clear, but icy gusts of wind were buffeting our barracks every few minutes, sending fresh dust puffs up through the floorboards.
May's broom could barely keep up with it, and our oil heater could scarcely hold its own against the drafts.
We'll get this whole place as tight as a barrel, Mama. I already met a guy who told me where they pile all the scrap lumber
We'll make it better Mama. You watch
Woody we can't live like this. Animals live like this
No. Rice. with long cabin syrup and melted butter
I have to go over the kitchen and see if those guys got a pot for heating bottles. That oil stove takes too long- something wrong with the fuel line. I'll find out what their giving us for breakfast