Mr.Monroe: "Sir we would like to buy the river will you sell it?" Delagate:"Why we need a lot of money sir so gladly as long as you buy the louisiana terratory as well!"
1804-Lewis and Clark Expedition
40 men
Corps of Discovery
Merriweather Lewis
William Clark
1830-Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears & Battle of Little Bighorn
In 1801 Pioners used the Missisipi River to bring crops and animals to the New Orlands Port. France had aquired the river and the louisiana territory so the US sent James Monroe to make a deal. France needed the money so the sold the area for $15 million. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the US.
1836-Battle of Alamo
Captain Merriweather Lewis chose Captain William Clark, 40 men, and a dog to join his journey to the Louisiana Terratory. In the cold November of 1804 The Corps of dicovery (Lewis's team) find a shoshone woman named Scacagawea. Who not only helps as a translater and tracker but helps gather food, suplies and keep peace with the natives.
1850-Trouble on the Trail
In 1830 President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act which stated that Native Amerians would live on resurved area.They had to walk more than a thousand miles.This was named the trail of tears, as you will see why.They had to travle during winter. More than 4,000 Native Americans died from: cold, dieseas, and starvation.
Gold Rush
The Republic of Texas (A band of rebels) declared their independence from Mexico on 1836.They used a fort called the Alamo. One day Mexican troops capture the Alamo killing almost all Texians.This just makes the Texans mad. In another battle Sam Houstan said, "Remember the Alamo".
Because of the gold rush many Americans went west to strike it rich. But the journey was hard. Some of the hard ships were: Snakes, hail, fever, and trampled by wagons. But the most comon and worst was Cholera. back in the day there was no running water and toilets. To use the bathroom they had to dig a hole. rain would carry the poop and put it in rivers. so when you drink water you get it. It gives you crams and vomit and diyarea.And dehidration kills you.
Gold was discovered in California by accident by James Marshall.He wanted to keep it secret. But word got out and everyone wanted to go to Calaffornia.Many people left their family behind and risked their life for a chance to 'strike it rich'.