I'm so sorry sir but as of now the doctor canlas is not here there's no one will assist you to take the test
i came here to have a few test a DNA a test
how about you can't you do the test?
I'm newbie here I'm not yet professional in that
if you insist sir ok l'll do it lets go to the lab sir
it's ok i really need that DNA right now
ok thank you
ok sir let's start kindly open your mouth sir
its done sir. just wait for it
wait stop dont you know When cells are exposed to electromagnetic radiation, these DNA strands can be broken. This can cause lots of problems. If DNA is damaged, it can impair the ability of living cells to function the way they should. ... Other types of radiation, like X-rays and gamma rays, can have even more profound effects.
ohh im sorry sir as i told you im not professional in this
its fine at least now you know it. let's just do it again . il'l be the who will do. and by the way i'm doctor reyes doctor canla's friend