Once upon a time, a girl who had the power to become a drop of water. Her name is Lisa and his dog is called Bob. One day, she was touched by a drop of radioactive water, and since that day, she had this power.
But this power has a defect... She can't know when she will transform and when she becomes human again. And because of this defect, one day, a catastrophe happened... Lisa looked throughtfully at the sea, and she transformed...
During her transformation, she fell into the sea, it was the first time that this happened. She wasn't so panicked, when she was in a drop of water, she was invincible.
She had been in the water for hours, it was also the first time that she had been transformed so long. And while she was in a waterfall, she becomes human. She was terrified, looking at the height she was standing, she knew it was her last day on Earth.
She didn't die directly after the fall, she was in agony, and the only thought that came to her were on Bob. What woud become of his beloved dog ?
At her funeral, no one came, there was just Bob. The only friend she ever had. END