Osborne and Hardy and talking. Hardy is a lazy and disorganised person, the contrary of Osborne
"You know the big German attack's expected any day now?
There is a new member of the company. This is Raleigh, a young just out of school soldier. He entered in that company as he wanted to be in the same company as Stanhope, an old known from school
What are you doing here!?
He is just going to worship a non existing hero and he is going to ell everything to his sister.
Hibbert, a small man and on its twenties, comes to talk with Osborne about a big neuralgia he is having. Stanhope hears and thinks he is just inventing it to go home.
Trotter, a fat, not fully strong guy. Trotter and Osborne are talking, trying to prevent war themed conversations.
Stanhope met Serjeant Major about the incoming German attack. They talk about everything, the positions, weapons...etc The colonel comes down and confirms that the attack is on Thursday.
We need to be prepared
The attack will be on Thursday
Stanhope and Raleigh awkwardness increases. Leading to Stanhope taking Raleighs letter to see what he wrote.
Stanhope is a hero. I'm looking forward to work with him