We are fine without independance from the United States!
Emilio Aguinaldo
Platt amendment
Do not intervein with us!!!, we are independant
We, Cuba are protected by the much superior United States!
A Philippines citizen is arguing with Emilio. They are arguing over whether or not the country should gain its independence from the U.S. The citizen does not believe they should be free from the U.S , and that the country is better off without independence.
We the people of peurto rico are officialy our own government!
A Cuban general, is warning other nations that the plat amendment is in effect, and for no other foreign nations to get involved.
There must be equal trade between all nations trading with China. Bring on the Open door policy!
The leader of Cuba is talking about how Cuba is protected by the U.S, due to Platt amendment which protects Cuba from foreign intervention with other nations.
In this cartoon, the Peurto Ricon leader is announcing the foreaker act to the people, and that they are officaly their own government
In this, The open door policy is being passed so that there is equal trade with China.
The people of China are all protesting against imperalism and foreign intervention. This is known as the boxer rebelion.