Hi and Welcome to this short Learning Burst on Enterprise Content Management & Metadata. My name is Shankar Sitarama and I will be your primary instructor for this course. We have an exciting ....
Follow audio script as per storyboard
Hi I am Rita and let me introduce you to this new and wonderful UI and the navigation........
Follow audio script as per storyboard
On Screen it should now show the course viewer UI
Hi Welcome Back. Let us look at Enterprise Content Management (ECM as it is known), some popular ECM applications, and then get into Metadata and see how it is used and leveraged in ECM.
Follow audio script as per storyboard
Verbalizes the on-screen slide and poses the question. The camera then focuses on the screen only (leaving out the instructor i.e. me) and on-screen html5 takes over which ends the video clip and places the html5 interactivity and waits for student input
On Screen it should now show the slide of the question being asked.
HTML5 Interactivity Question 1
Answer slide to Question 1
Verbalizes the on-screen slide which is answer to question 1 and explains the answer. The camera then focuses on the screen only (leaving out the instructor i.e. me) and on-screen slide takes over with video of me in the top / right corner
On Screen it should show the answer slide to question 1
ECM Statistics slide
Talking through the slide. refer to text storyboard
Talking through the slide. refer to text storyboard
Business Case for ECM slides
Content Life Cycle slide
No video overlay. just slide and voice over
ECM is an Initiative not an Application slide - goals of this initiative
Explain this concept indicated in slides
ECM Applications help with the initiative and achieve the goals - List of top ECM application from different vendors
No video overlay. just slide and voice over
Talk through the list of features and explain each of them. Conclude on this topic of ECM.
ECM Applications Feature Set
End of this slide transition into html5 quiz
HTML5 Interactivity Quiz (3 questions), followed by answer to quiz.
Hi Welcome Back. Let us look at Enterprise Content Management (ECM as it is known), some popular ECM applications, and then get into Metadata and see how it is used and leveraged in ECM.