Biodiversity Superhero rights the wrongs of land fragmentation, allowing the wildlife to be whole once again!
Storyboard Text
Meet Fixus, the Biodiversity Fairy
We all need to do our part to protect biodiversity.
Natural Cause
Natural disturbances balance over time.
Poor Judgement
Nearly 85% of wildfires in the US are caused by humans. Please be careful...
My name is Fixus and I'm one of many Biodiversity Superheroes. My powers allow me to reverse time in situations where biodiversity has been compromised by humans , but only if they are truly regretful of their actions. I live in the forests and am a friend to nature.
A Convenient Change
This would be a great location for a road.
Volcanic activity is one natural way that habitat fragmentation can occur. Habitat loss is just one affect and can result in a reduction of suitable homes for living things.
Full of Regret
Uh-oh... I've caused the land to be fragmented... can anyone help?
Fires resulting from natural causes is another way that fragmentation can occur. Humans are also responsible for slashing and burning, a method that clears forests for farmland. The natural forest and its inhabitants are progressively destroyed.
All's Well That Ends Well
Larry was tired of driving around the forest to get to the city for work. It added 20 minutes to his commute. The next week, his company built a road...
The following week Larry went to inspect the new road- he hadn't considered how it would impact the wildlife. He was suddenly overcome with grief. Just then, Fixus arrived. She could see how upset Larry was for decreasing the amount biodiversity in the area. The rainy day made it seem as though nature was crying too.
Fixus was able to use her super powers to returned the forest back to how it was before the road. The sun shone, the plants grew, and the animals frolicked. Everyone agreed that a high level of biodiversity was back! Larry quit his job and became an ecologist. He and Fixus knew they had their work cut out for them. The End.