Sorry we couldn't make it sooner Jimmy. Feeling alright ?
Here you go.
Fine, got my key ?
Mr James Valentine walked out of prison, into the sunshine- a free man.
That's James Valentine's work. He's resumed his business.He's got the only tools that can do the clean job.
Sir, the bank has been robbed again!
He went to the cafe of Mike Dolan, got his key and went upstairs unlocking the door of a room.
Jimmy pulled aside a panel in the wall and dragged out a dust covered suitcase. He opened it and gazed fondly at the finest set of burglar's tools in the country
Shortly after the release of James Valentine, there were neat jobs of burglary with no clue of the thief . the loss was now high enough to bring the matter up into Ben price's class of work.
One afternoon in Elmore city,Jimmy, looking like and athletic, young collage student, went down the foot path towards Planter's hotel.
A young lady passed by him and entered a door over which was a sign'The Elmore Bank'. Jimmy looked into her eyes and forgot what he was.