Close-up pic of Huckleberry bush. Blurred in background with Title on top of it. 5-7 seconds.
Huckleberries in Montana
Narrator: quick pause.
Narrator: This is my bear spray. I have a clip to hook it to my pants. The orange clip is the safety that I would need to pop off. Then I would push down on the top button and run the opposite direction! Be sure to read your instructions for your bear spray before going into the mountains. This can cost me $35.
Same Huck. bush from previous frame. Not blurred. Focused. 2-3 seconds.
Narrator: The Rocky Mountain Huckleberries are primarily found in the Northwest corner of the US. Western Montana, Northern Idaho, Washington and Oregon. I've only picked in western Montana, close to the communities of Thompson Falls and Trout Creek.
Circle the Northwest corner of the USA on a map image. 15-18 seconds.
Narrator: Huckleberries are found in the mountains. The elevation needs to be between 3000 to 5000 ft; They thrive in regions that have plenty of snow in the winter, a wet spring followed by 2-3 weeks of summer heat. The ideal picking time for Montana huckleberries is from mid July thru mid August.
3000 - 5000 ft - Elevation Snow - Winter Rain - Spring Sun - 2-3 weeks - Summer
Mountain pic in the background. Bring up each fact as narrator speaks. 18 seconds
Narrator: The supplies needed are: containers to carry your picked berries, drinking water, bug spray, sunscreen, snacks, cell phone, forest service map, cooler w/ ice, and bear spray.
Pic of actual supplies displayed on a counter. 20-25 sec.
Narrator: Yes, bears!! They love these berries too. However, I've never actually had to use my spray or leave because of a bear. Bring the spray and a friend and you should be safe.
Pic of real bear (copy from web). Blast it in for a quick shock. 10 - 15 seconds
Cut Out. Not enough time.
Silent Video with narration added later. Show the spray, orange safety clip, top button and hook. 20-25 seconds
Narrator: Now we are ready to go picking!
Same mountain pic from frame 5. 3 seconds
No narration.
video or pic of car going up the mountain from a road-side perspective. 5 seconds
No narration.
video or pic of car going up the mountain from inside the car. 5 seconds
Here's a patch of huckleberries. These bushes stand about 2 ft tall and 2-3 ft wide. A good bush will have 20-40 berries.
Panoramic picture with a slide movement to the right of huck. patch. May need to follow-up with a additional shot of a bush to demonstrate the size. 8 seconds
Narrator: Here is a close-up of a bush with red berries. They can have a color spectrum from burgundy red to dark purple.
Close-up of hucks on a bush. red berries 5-7 seconds
Narrator: Like these!
Close-up of hucks on a bush. dark purple berries. 3-5 seconds
Narrator: Picking is easy. Sit down and fill your bucket!
Video or pic of hands picking the berries off the bush. 5 seconds
Narrator: When home, rinse berries in a colander, then pour berries onto a large cookie sheet with edges lined with paper towels. It's time to clean out the leaves & twigs.
video or pic. Close-up hucks on a tray with leaves and sticks. Cleaning process. 5 seconds
Narrator: Leave berries on tray and put in freezer for 2-3 hours. They will freeze without being squished first by the weight of the berries on top of it. (5-7 seconds)
Pic of hucks on tray and in freezer. 3 seconds
Narrator: After they are frozen, put them in glass jars. The glass jars will protect your other frozen foods from absorbing the huckleberry flavor. Plastic bags will not be sufficient.
Video or pic of berries going into jars.
Narrator: Continue to freeze them for future use.
Video or Pic of jar being put into the freezer. 3 seconds
Narrator: Enjoy your berries, they make wonderful desserts, jellies and smoothies!
Huckleberries in Montana
Use same bush picture and title from frame 2. 3 seconds