Hey! do you guys know what is the Socialization is? Socialization is the lifelong process of social interaction trough which individuals acquire a self-identity and the physical, mental and social skills needed for survival in society.
id,ego The id is the component of personality that includes all of the individual's bacisbiological drives and needs that demand immediate gratification.the ego is the rational, reality-oriented component of personality that imposes restrictions on the innate pleasure-seeking drives of the id.
superegoThe superego , or conscience, consists of the moral and etical aspects of personality.
wait for me!!
Influence of society is division of labor in the family shapes identify.
Formation of self is emerges through seperating oneslef from prmary cracker.
individual leraning process is Infant identify with same-sex parents.
I'm an individual
Do you know what is looking-glass Self?Well, the looking -glass self refers to the way in which a person's sense perceptions of others.
AGENT OF SOCIALIZATION - FAMILYFamily is usually considered to be the most important agent of socialization. They not only teach us how to care for ourselves, but also give us our first system of values, norm, and beliefs.