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To help keep your tomatoes healthy and keep them organic there are a few things you can do naturally to help them thrive.- Using eggshells in your garden, break them down as small as you can get them then put them in your garden.-Using leftover coffee grounds also helps keep your tomato plant healthy and deters some insects. -If you don't have any garlic, you are growing next to your tomatoes, then sprinkle some garlic around the garden to deter pests.
Lettuce is a great easy veggie to grow, other than keeping a bug net over these plants, here are some other tips to help with your lettuce thriving.-A great thing to use is Epsom Salt, you take about a teaspoon full per plant, and mix it in the soil to help it thrive.- Using eggshells in your garden, break them down as small as you can get them then put them in your garden.-If you ever have some old milk that just went bad or want to, you can use that milk and mix it with some water to add to your garden to help it thrive.