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  • At home 0810
  • Yes mum, we will, don't worry mum.....
  • Right you lot, up and out of bed, you have 15 mins to get washed and breakfast.
  • NO!!!
  • Are we going dad's this weekend mum, he said we are going to see the match on Saturday mum. 
  • At School 0900
  • Bye Mum, have good day at work, love you!!!
  • Seeya Mum!!
  • Arrived at Work 0930
  • I don't believe this I have to park across the street again, never any parking spaces here.....God sake!!
  • My god, only one free space, that is crazy, but I cant keep doing this everyday, I need other parking arrangements
  • During afternoon break at Work 1330
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  • Lisa Jones
  •         Parking - Google Search                                                                 X
  • Google
  • About 250,000 results (0.55 seconds)
  •  :Parking Master - The best Parking AppYes...tring to find the best parking for you in a short time possible, try parking master now **ne***......https:/    :Parking Eye - Find the best parking for you in time.......   :Parking Just Now - Get parking your vehicle with us at not cost........https://www,     :Just Parking Now - Find the spaces you really need at parking just now.....
  • Parking in Newport                 X
  • Type here to search
  • Good old google, yes I think I have found the solution to my parking problems, Parking Master? I wonder what this could be, oh well lets give it a click and see.....
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