Hi I'm Lindy, today I spoke to our employer (Mr Jones) addressing him on the discrimination here and he blatantly ignored me.
At the workplace
Funny enough two weeks ago I had the same complaint and was ignored too.
We are not given enough wages instead, work increases without pay.
At the workplace
We should definitely do something about this. Lets go to the shop steward(Thabo) office.
This a violation of THE NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE ACT 9 OF 2018.
Lindy and Jonathan are colleagues and they are discussing an issue they have with an employer (Mr Jones).
At the shop stewards office
Good morning, I am Jonathan and this is Lindy. We have been working for this company for a long time and we are not satisfied with our wage. We've raised these concerns with Mr Jones but yet were we given no response.
Good morning how may I help me?
Jonathan and Lindy realize that they both have the same problems and they were not paid attention.
At the shop stewards office
We are willing to attend and state our issues if they are going to be resolved.
I will organize a meeting between you and Mr Jones to discuss your grievances peacefully.
Lindy and Jonathan now decide to have a discussion with the shop steward to raise their complaint.
At the shop stewards office
Thank you so much !
Tomorrow we will meet in the board room and I will monitor the response of the employer.
Lindy and Jonathan are at the shop Stewards office addressing their complaint.
The shop steward has listened to the employees' complaints and arranges them to meet with the employer to explain their grievances.
The shop steward properly explains his responsibilities, which include assisting and representing employees in grievance and disciplinary processes when they desire it. To keep track of how the employer complies with the LRA and any other labor regulations, as well as binding collective bargaining agreements. To report any suspected violation of the LRA's work-place requirements or any other employment-related legislation.