Faith is important to my family. I usually would just go with the flow and do what was asked of me when it came to attending religious activities.
Feeling Confident!
Then I reached the age when it was time for me to become confirmed. This I knew was a big deal to my parents, and something I felt required to do. However, little did I know how much involvement and decision making would be put on me.
It was a year filled with information I honestly did not expect to learn. It was actually information I was enjoying learning about. It was no longer feeling like something that was required.
As the year continued on and on, I finally would find out that this is who I am. Also, that I am ready for the involvement that needs to take place throughout the commitment I have made to my religion.
Finally, my moment had arrived. I had never felt so prepared and ready to complete a task, as I did on this day. No more feelings of being unsure, or just going with the flow. This was really about me.