Hi Everyone! Today I'm going to interview a scientist!
Rain is less, pollution will be more, and when there is more pollution carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will be more which can lead to global warming.
Interviewing a scientist!
What is the impact of deforestation on ecosystems?
Trees play a very big role in the ecosystem and they provide a great food source, and without trees it's hard to get all of the nutrients. It would be very hard to get well balanced food for a human and other organisms.
Interviewing a scientist!
What do you know about trees?
Interviewing a scientist!
What's one thing unique about trees?
Trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. I think this is very unique of a tree.
I would drink water from my roots, provide shade and let my flowers bloom, making some yummy fruits.
Interviewing a scientist!
If you were a tree what would you do first?
My pleasure!
Interviewing a scientist!
Unfortunately, our time has run out! Thank you so much for joining us!