"Little late today, folks. Some of you fellows want to give me a hand"?
As children play and pile rocks, parents conversate and call their kids back before the annual lottery begins.
"Clean, forgot what day it was."
As the lottery begins to be conducted, Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves appear before the crowd, Mr. Graves holding a stool and Mr. Summers carrying the "black box".
Rising Action
"Now, I'll read the names-heads of families...Hutchinson"
Mr. Martin and his son Baxter help hold the "black box" in place" as Mr.Summers stirs up the papers which determine which family gets to participate in the lottery.
Rising action (conflict appears)
"How many kids, Bill?"
The lottery is set to begin shortly. However, a hurrying Tessie Hutchinson races to the scene claiming that she forgot it was the day of the lottery. Mrs. Delacroix assures Tessie that she came in the nick of time.
You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there.
One by one, the names-heads of families are called to draw a paper/"lottery ticket" from the box. Tessie encourages her husband to draw.
"Get up there, Bill."
Bill draws a paper with a black dot, signifying that his family will participate in this year's lottery. Tessie protests.
"It wasn't fair, You didn't give him enough time to choose".