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The Lottery Storyboard

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The Lottery Storyboard
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  • Beginning/Exposition
  • Bobby!
  • Beginning/Esposition
  • "Little late today, folks. Some of you fellows want to give me a hand"?
  • Beginning/Esposition
  • As children play and pile rocks, parents conversate and call their kids back before the annual lottery begins.
  • Beginning/Exposition
  • "Clean, forgot what day it was."
  • As the lottery begins to be conducted, Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves appear before the crowd, Mr. Graves holding a stool and Mr. Summers carrying the "black box".
  • Rising Action
  • "Now, I'll read the names-heads of families...Hutchinson"
  • Mr. Martin and his son Baxter help hold the "black box" in place" as Mr.Summers stirs up the papers which determine which family gets to participate in the lottery.
  • Rising action (conflict appears)
  • "Three."
  • "How many kids, Bill?"
  • The lottery is set to begin shortly. However, a hurrying Tessie Hutchinson races to the scene claiming that she forgot it was the day of the lottery. Mrs. Delacroix assures Tessie that she came in the nick of time.
  • You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there.
  • One by one, the names-heads of families are called to draw a paper/"lottery ticket" from the box. Tessie encourages her husband to draw.
  • "Get up there, Bill."
  • Bill draws a paper with a black dot, signifying that his family will participate in this year's lottery. Tessie protests.
  • "It wasn't fair, You didn't give him enough time to choose".
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