Constellations are the 88 portions of the sky that are officially recognized by the IAU. Virgo is one of the 13 zodiac constellations found in the sky.
Hey kids! How are you guys? I'm Pat and I'm going to be telling you the story on the constellation of Virgo
Alrighty! Once upon a time, there was a goddess of innocence and purity who went by the name of Virgo. She had beautiful white wings and was commonly seen holding a piece of wheat in her left hand.
A long time ago when Virgo came to be, she was associated with the Greek goddess of justice - known as Dike. Now, have any of you heard of the God of the sky, Zeus?
Well... Dike was the daughter of Zeus and her mother was named Themis; an ancient Greek Titaness. Fun fact actually, Dike also commonly went by the name Astraea
Astraea meant: "star maiden"
After being born as a mortal, Dike was sent down to Earth during the Golden Age in order to rule over human justice.
Human justice: human justice defends the right to a happy, healthy, and safe life/community.
One day, Dike presented a speech to the entire human race about how worse was yet to come on Earth but they didn't listen, which caused her to turn her back on all of humankind.
Shortly after turning on all humans, war began among all people and Dike eventually left Earth for good - this is when she went up into the sky where she is known today as the constellation Virgo!