Why Customer Journey Maps?
Every time a customer has a need, searches for a product to fill that need, discovers your product, and decides whether or not to purchase, they're taking a journey. The following resources aim to cover different types of customer journey maps as well as provide templates and references so you can make your own. Make sure there's a clear path from discovery to engagement by creating a customer journey map for your product today!

Journey Map Infographics: Create Your Own
Journey maps are stories of how your users or customers interact and engage with your product. Typically, a journey map includes the user experiencing a problem, searching for a solution, coming across your product as the solution, using your product, and ultimately having their original problem alleviated.

Free Design Thinking Workshop
Download a free design thinking workshop. This workshop download includes a PowerPoint, printable assets and brainstorming guides, activities to facilitate meaningful conversations, and special presenter notes to help guide you through administering the workshop. The workshop is designed to work for both small tight-knit teams and large interdepartmental organizations.

User Empathy Mapping

Storyboarding for User Centered Design

Story Mapping for Agile Development

User Experience Mapping

5 Tips for Effective Customer Journey Mapping

B2B vs. B2C Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Journey Mapping
Templates & Resources

Bring Personas to Your Office
Easy to Use Templates and Handouts

Create a Customer Journey Map

Customer Journey Map: Definition and Importance

How to Create a Customer Journey Map
By Aaron Sherman
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