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Peer Pressure Lesson Plans

Throughout a student's education, they will more than likely experience some form of peer pressure at least once. Many students just want to belong. Being accepted into a group can be a powerful motivator for some students to challenge their behaviors, values, or morals, and crossing the line can be a slippery slope that changes students' bad decisions into bad behaviors.

Arming students with the knowledge and skills to refuse negative peer pressure and support positive peer pressure will create a better environment for all. Empowering students to stand up for themselves and resist negative peer pressure will help build stronger decision-making skills. The activities in this lesson plan aim to help students understand the difference and practice standing up for themselves.

Student Activities for Peer Pressure Refusal Skills

Essential Questions for Peer Pressure and Refusal Skills

  1. What is peer pressure?
  2. How is being assertive reinforcing your values?
  3. How can we use peer pressure to make positive decisions?

Peer Pressure Definition


A peer is a friend or acquaintance around the same age


Pressure is a push to do something; can be negative or positive

Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure is a push from a friend or acquaintance to do something either negative or positive

Students may struggle to stand up to negative peer pressure for several reasons. Asking them to formulate reasoning behind "giving in" is a good way to get the topic started. Some answers you may hear could be:

  • Fear of nonacceptance
  • Inability to say no
  • Desire not to disappoint a friend

Not all peer pressure should be negative. There is plenty of positive peer pressure happening all the time without people noticing. Facilitating activities that stimulate positive interactions and pressures will normalize this behavior. Some positive behaviors that could come with a little push from others could be:

  • Accepting Differences
  • Honesty
  • Hard Work
  • Avoiding Drugs
  • Respecting Expectations

Additional Activities for Peer Pressure Refusal

  1. Act out a skit after storyboarding a script in a group.
  2. Create positive support/positive peer pressure single cell storyboards for others. Print them out and post them where people can see them, or share via social media.
  3. Have students learn and show their comprehension of the S.T.O.P. method through a storyboard creation. S.T.O.P. stands for
    Say things in a firm voice
    Tell them why
    Offer other ideas
    Promptly leave
  4. Create a PSA.

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