Kuldvillak ja Kolm Karu Teemad, Sümbolid ja Motiivid

Vaadake Tunniplaani
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Kuldvillak ja Kolm Karu Teemad, Sümbolid ja Motiivid
Storyboard That

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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

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Uudsed Õppetegevused | Lugemistegevused

Uudne Uurimus

Liane Hicksi Juhend Õpetajatele

Kas te ei leia meie eelnevalt koostatud tunniplaanidest konkreetset raamatut? See uudne õppejuhend sisaldab hõlpsasti kasutatavaid tegevusi, mida saab kohandada mis tahes raamatu, romaani või novelli jaoks.

Uudne Uurimus

Süžeeskeem Kirjeldus

Laske õpilastel tuvastada filmis "Kuldvillak ja kolm karu" teemad, sümbolid ja motiivid

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • THEME: Mischief and Rule Breaking
  • SYMBOL:Human's relationship with nature
  • MOTIF:Size
  • Papa
  • PAPA
  • MAMA
  • BABY
  • One theme is mischief and rule breaking. Goldilocks consistently breaks the rules by entering the Bears' house uninvited and going through their belongings as if they were her own. Her mischief can be seen as the common mistakes children make when they test boundaries and learn from their mistakes as they grow.
  • One symbol is humanity’s relationship with nature. Goldilocks enters the woods and the Bears' home. She wreaks havoc by eating their food and breaking their things. She is discovered sleeping there! It is a symbol for the way humans encroach on animals' environments, using resources, and taking over their habitats.
  • One recurring motif is size. The various parts of the home that Goldilocks invades — their breakfast, living room and bedroom — are all customized to fit each bear's needs: big Papa Bear, medium sized Mama Bear, and small Baby Bear.
  • Papa
  • Mama
  • Baby
  • Mama
  • Baby
  • Goldilocks and the Three BearsTHEMES, SYMBOLS, & MOTIFS
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