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Activity Overview
Template and Class Instructions

Activity Overview

An engaging activity to do while reading, or after a few chapters, is a chapter recap. To help students grasp deeper meanings from novel, it is helpful for them to create a storyboard which depicts a scene or, more importantly, a symbol, theme, or motif from each chapter. The finished product is much like a picture book, with one cell depicting each chapter of Silas Marner. For classes with daily computer access, students can create their board after each Silas Marner chapter. For classes with limited access, consider having students do their chapters at the end of each week!

Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Student Instructions

Create a storyboard that depicts an important scene, theme, symbol, or motif from each chapter of Silas Marner.

  1. Use the template provided by your teacher.
  2. Pick an important theme, symbol, scene, or motif from the chapter.
  3. Describe the theme, symbol, scene, or motif.
  4. Illustrate each example with appropriate scenes, characters, and items.

Lesson Plan Reference


(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)

Theme, Symbol, or Motif
Create a storyboard that identifies a recurring theme, symbol, or motif in the story. Illustrate and write a short description that explains its significance.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Identification of Theme, Symbol, or Motif
The idea or object is correctly identified as an important theme, symbol, or motif in the story.
The idea or object is correctly identified as important, but is mislabeled as theme, symbol, or motif.
The idea or object is not significant to the story.
Example and Description
The example supports the identified theme, symbol, or motif. Description clearly says why example is significant.
Most examples fit the identified theme, symbol, or motif. Description lacks significance to story.
Example does not fit the identified theme, symbol, or motif. Descriptions is unclear.
Storyboard cell clearly shows connection with the theme, symbol, or motif and helps with understanding.
Storyboard cell shows the theme, symbol, or motif, but some part is difficult to understand.
Storyboard cell does not help in understanding the theme, symbol, or motif.

How To Efficiently Recap Each Chapter in Class


Move in a Sequence

In order to recap each chapter, start from the first one and move in order. Be patient and take your time with each chapter. Only a thorough recap will help students to carry out further activities related to the course.


Ask Important Questions

Ask students some important and thought-provoking questions about each chapter. For instance, after reading chapter 1 teachers can ask Who do you think are the main characters of the story? What was the most important event of this chapter? Or which character played the most crucial role in this chapter? These questions will help students take note of important things and refresh their memories.


Encourage Note Taking

While reading the story first time, ask the students to take notes of important things or highlight important parts according to their own understanding. Later, while recapping the students can bring up their notes and the highlighted parts for discussion.


Address any Confusion

Spend a minute clarifying any sections of the chapter that you think the students might find difficult or unclear. Clarify matters and respond to inquiries.


Give Follow-Up Activities

Give students tasks that allow them to go further into the chapter, including writing thoughts, talking about certain quotes, or doing associated activities. Students can also write a critical analysis of important chapters to dive deeper into the literature.

Frequently Asked Questions About Silas Marner Chapter Recap

Is there one than one way to recap chapters and reading material?

Yes, there are numerous different ways through which teachers can help students recap and retain any reading material. There is always an option of reading the second time and writing a brief summary but teachers can record an audio of 8-10 lines for students to hear to recollect their thoughts. Visual and auditory learning can help students learn more efficiently.

Should chapter summaries be in-depth or condensed?

Recaps of chapters ought to find a balance between succinctness and information. Give the students just enough information to understand the essentials of the chapter without boring them with pointless details and wasting time. Concentrate on the chapter's key moments, character growth, themes, and symbols. Ask the students to reflect on significant events of the story.

Can chapter summaries aid in critical thinking and literary analysis?

Yes, chapter summaries can provide a foundation for the development of literary analysis and critical thinking abilities. Encourage students to explore the story's themes, character motives, and authorial decisions. Recapping can help with retention, help students think independently, and exercise their brains.

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