We cannot continue Washington's policy of isolationism
A compromise
I have a deal, If you will stop attacking our ships, then we will stop trading with your enemy
The war begins
James Madison faced the problem of sea attacks from the French and British, he realized that he could not continue Washington's policy of isolationism.
Not well prepared
James Madison offered a deal to France and England saying that if they stopped attacking American ships, then they will stop trading with their enemy's. France agreed but Britain did not.
More fighting
American ships kept being attacked and in June of 1812 James Madison declared war
Treaty of Ghent
America had 7,000 poor trained men and 16 navy ships. Americas first move was to try to take control of Canada.
Oh no
The war went on and on and both sides had wins and loses. At the end both the British and the American sides had many loses and were low on resources.
In December 1814 American negotiators met with British diplomats in Belgium. They both signed the treaty of Ghent. Neither of the sides won but it showed that America could succeed.