Ben is the only child of Aling Maria and Mang Juan. Ben inherited his parents who had good hearts.
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He likes to help those in need and he will help them without hesitation.
Iho, do you have food?
Here! I have some food! Eat it!
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One day, Ben got very ill. His parents were troubled and didn’t know what to do. But despite that, they persisted to have their son treated but to no avail, Ben died. His parents mourned over the loss of their only son.
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I'm a fairy and I'm here to ask to take Ben's heart.
Who are you?!
The next day, after Ben’s death, a beautiful fairy came to Ben’s wake and talked to his parents. She asked them to give her Ben’s heart. They agreed and gave it to her.
But why and what would you use it for?
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All good hearts bear fruit.
The fairy then flew away and in a mountain, she dug and buried Ben’s dead heart. It then turned into a fruit-bearing tree whose fruits were in the shape of a heart and whose taste was so sweet.
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Our son really has a very good heart. It immediately produced a heart-shaped fruit
Right, even better.
A few days later, Aling Maria and Mang Juan went to the place where their son's heart was planted. They were surprised and amazed at what they saw because a tree grew with a heart-shaped fruit. They named the fruit "manga" which was later called "mango"
I know. What should we call this Manga? Word mixed with good and fruit?How about we call it mango?