Hey frog, wake up! They're destroying your habitat, they just destroyed mine with a fire!
Mine was destroyed too. Humans dumped plastic in the ocean and killed my family
I don't care, I can look somewhere else. There are plenty of places available
I don't know what I can do to save my habitat. Besides, I am endangered because people are hunting my species. If humans didn't buy exotic animals, my parents would still be alive
Contacting environmental organizations helped save my friend the otter. Sharing and learning this information is always important
I get your point, thanks to some local humans saving gasoline many mojarras were spared an oil spill in their habitat
Look, this forest is on fire too! Let's get out of here or we'll suffocate to death! Don't hide in your shell, turtle. Stop being a chicken!
You see frog? If you don't value and make an effort to take care of your habitat something terrible can happen to it. Beaver, tell him what happened to your house
Some humans were camping near my home and threw lighted cigarettes on the ground. Everything quickly started to catch on fire
We can start recycling. It saves lives, it's economical, it's eco-friendly and maybe we can make you a house with a big bottle or a wheel that we find
That's right, I never cared about where I lived because I thought of it as something replaceable, but we are losing all the habitats and I feel very sad
This is terrible, many animals died. In addition, the fire pollutes the air a lot. If eco-friendly companies were given more support, the situation could improve