Alux and Legion meet at a restaurant for breakfast before heading to the office
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The walk
Yeah my uncle said that he was going to promote someone today
I wonder who it will be
Me obviously I’m his nephew after all
As Alux and Legion walk to the office building, legion “accidentally “ spills the beans about his uncle plans
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The race
Axul and Legion , Mr. Smith would like to speak with you both
Kate tells both Axul and Legion that Mr Smith would like to see them both in his office, Legion runs down the hall after hear the new
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The Fall of The Legion Empire
Thank you sir
When both Axul and Legion enter Mr Smith office, he announces that Axul is getting promoted and Legion is getting demoted
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But we are family
As Axul witnessed the whole thing he wonder why he is getting promoted instead of legion
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The fall out
Thought just because we are family you was going to get treated better
Haha you mad
Legion thought that just that because him and Mr Smith were family (Legionaries) he was going to be treated different. Meanwhile he thought Axul (Auxiliaries) he would get the short end of the stick.
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MOVE, me first
Axul I’m giving you Legion old possession and demoting him