Hi, I am Super Obsidian. I am an ingneous plutonic rock. I was created deep in the earth’s crust and solidified there, but some years ago I suddenly woke up to be rising out of this volcano and while cooling down I went flying into the sky. I thought I was going to die because the fall was very big, but I suddenly started flying. This is the story of how I became Super Obsidian.
It all started while I was doing my daily flight over Rockywood. Suddenly I saw someone jumping out of a window and escaping. The police couldn't get him because of him going on top of the buildings. I decided to take thejustice by my hand and decided to go and capture the thief.
Wait there thief!
HAHAHA!You will never catch me!
While I was making him go just where I needed him to be, I observed him and discovered that his rock specie was Slate. Slate is a metamorphic rock that is created by the compactation and cementation of a sedimentary rock. Which is created by the weathering and erosion of sediments.
Wait for me, you will not defeat me, I am Super Obsidian.
And I am the world’s worse rock, Dr Slate.
Then, i had an idea. I thought I could chase him and make him fall into the volcano and turn into magma with heat & pressure.
Now look at this, thanks to the rock cycle I will melt Dr. Slate and turn him into magma.
Super Obsidian finally made him go into the volcano and as he was a metamorphic rock, he melted and turned into magma.