In this Story, a child playing video games before homework will be punished
Punishment:the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense
Operant conditioning is learning through punishment or reward. In this case, punishment will be used to reinforce a behavior and discourage another
No video games before homework!
I will send you to space!
No video games before homework!
Negative Reinforcement (Took away his ability to play games AND socialize
This will discourage him from doing something he's not supposed to again
*Plays video games*
At a fixed interval, the mom would reward the child with half an hour of video games with friends for every hour of homework done consecutively, reinforcing the homework habits
"The Harsh consequence of getting shot into space will for sure influence this child, not to play video games without doing homework first"
B.F. Skinner
This mom is shaping her child to do his homework when he gets home. The boy may eventually immediately do homework in order to score playing time with friends
We DO NOT approve of the doings of this mother. Punishment is very unethical, as the child is being tortured mentally, and could cause life lasting effects. DCF will be arriving at the home soon...
Shaping is when you condition some conscious being to perform a desired behavior