Yo whats wrong with you.(said the right prisoner) there's nothing wrong with me it's just that I should not have rob the bank with my friends and that's why I'm in here.( said the left prisoner. I be right back. said prisoner 1 .
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''Sam , Bill whispered, Sneak up behind Johnny in case he refuses. ''Johnny, want to take a ride and have a bag of candy'', says Bill. sure , Johhny said.
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Bla Bla Bla Bla , says Red Chief. Bill, you can be Old Hank, and Sam, you can be Snake-eye.
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Please make it $1,500, instead , says Old Hank. Why should we, I want to wring out as much money out of the old man as possible , saysSnake-eye. But for your sake I will do as you ask.
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As I waited for the messenger to arrive with the letter, I realized that my eyelids were starting to feel droopy, I tried and tried to fend off sleep, but it was too powerful. When I woke up I heard the sound of hooves againstthe against mud.
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Please don't make me go back with him , Red Chief cries. You have to, we will come and visit every once in a while, Bill says.