Beowulf Hero's Journey | Beowulf Epic Hero | Beowulf Summary activity - Create a Monomyth for Beowulf!
Storyboard Text
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In Geatland, Beowulf is known as a hero before he even leaves for Denmark, “greater / And stronger than anyone anywhere in this world” (lines 194-195).
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Beowulf arrives to help Hrothgar, stating he will “sail the swan’s road and seek out that king, / The famous prince who needed defenders” (lines 199-200), setting up his role as the hero.
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Rising action
During the fight with Grendel, “the monster’s hatred rose higher, / But his power had gone” (lines 814-815), showing Beowulf’s strength as he defeats Grendel and triggers the next conflict.
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Beowulf finds “a heavy / Sword, hammered by giants” (lines 1557-1558) in the battle against Grendel’s mother, marking his toughest fight yet and securing victory.
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Falling action
Beowulf rules for fifty years, “defended the people / Against many enemies” (lines 2208-2210), but the peace is broken when the dragon appears.
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After Beowulf slays the dragon, “the fire-dragon / Lay slain by the prince’s hand. But Beowulf, / Brave and mighty, breathed his last” (lines 2771-2773), ending his life but cementing his heroic legacy.