True! -- nervous – dreadfullynervous, I had been and am; but why willyou say that I am mad? Hearken! Andobserve how calmly I can tell you thewhole story. It is impossible to say howfirst the idea entered my brain; but onceconceived, it haunted me day and night.Object, there was none. I loved the oldman. For his gold I had no desire. I thinkit was his eye! One of his eyes resembledthat of a vulture – a pale blue eye, with afilm over it. Whenever it fell upon me, myblood ran cold; and so, I made up mymind to take the life of the old man, andthus rid myself of the eye forever.
You should have seen how wisely Iproceeded. I was never kinder to the oldman than during the whole week before Ikilled him.
Every night, aboutmidnight, I turned the latch of his doorand opened it – oh, so gently! I put in adark lantern, so that no light shone out,and then I thrust in my head. I moved itslowly – very slowly, so that I might notdisturb the old man’s sleep.
“dissemble no more! I admit the deed!Tear up the planks! Here, here! It is thebeating of his hideous heart!”
Your under arrest for the murder of the old man
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